MT3608 Boost Converter

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I'm going to light a 12V/7W LED lamp from a single cell 18650 battery using a MT3608 boost module. The problem is after powering the lamp flickers & the boost module is getting extremely hot.

I measured the lamp current by powering directly a 12V power pack & it takes 500mA.

Any solution to light up this bulb from 18650 cells? I'm making an emergency lamp.
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Try sticking two 18650's in series, see if that makes a difference (it will half the primary current).
A single 18650 battery "holds" about 12W of power (4V x 3Ah). A 7W LED will flatten it pretty quickly. Modern 1W LEDs are very bright, why do you need it so bright?

You are boosting 4V to 12V at 7 watts.
I have the data sheet for the IC and that is right at its max current.
I know you were told it will do 2A. BUT.....Boost 11V to 12V at 2A, yes it will.
Nigel's idea of 8 volts in 12V out, is correct.
Thanks. After reducing the Lamp voltage to 10V the problem solved.

I'm charging the battery using TP4056 charger module. Now I want to keep the charger module connected to battery permanently. Can it be done? & when the lamp is Dim, I just plug a USB cable to charger module. So I want to keep the charger module connect to battery all the time...!!!


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Assuming your TP4056 is the one with protection built-in, then it should be permanently connected anyway, wouldn't do much protecting if it wasn't connected

The way the chargers work means that you shouldn't charge it while in use, as they work by detecting the fall in current as the battery charges, and it will never do that while it's running.
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