Multi-Engine T-Bar Fader Switch

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Finger-sized Multi-Throttle T-Lever

I'm looking for some finger-sized (as not hand-sized or full-sized) multi-engine throttle T-levers with 2 or 3 sliders. Pretty much like this:

**broken link removed**

So you can grab all the handles at once as a single handle to adjust everything at the same time, or grab them individually and adjust them independently. The closet one I found was this:

But at $170 a pop, I'm just barely willing to get one...and not two to place side-by-side. The reason is for independent simultaneous control of flaps and spoilers on a sailplane for use as flaps, spoilers, or airbrakes. I could use a single lever and a switch that changes the mode of the lever but then I can only have airbrakes (spoilers+flaps), spoilers + zero flaps, or flaps + zero spoilers. So you wouldn't have immediate access to the airbrakes or be able to fly with spoilers with a fixed flap setting (or vice versa) which can be important.
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