multi input alarm

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New Member
Hi Goodfolks
I am looking for a multiinput circuit ( 4 input )
I wish to construct a circuit that I can use to wire up 4 seperate inputs that will activate a sounder in the event of an input being latched.
Each of the 4 inputs is to be wired to 4 seperate boilerhouses if any of the boilerhouses go in to alarm mode I want the sounder to sound and a Led to illuminate to highlight the boilerhose where the alarm has been activated.
I woud appreciate if I could be pointed in the right direction.
many thanks
Similar technic I used in a water level controller.Its just simple.I think you need 4 inputs & 4 outputs (LED) & a separate output to a sounder.

Just poll for 4 switches.When Input present turn on the corresponding LED & the sounder.

When a different input present clear all the previous LEDs & turn on the corresponding LED & the sounder.

Its easy isn't it?
I thank you for taking the time to reply to my request if you have time Gayan would you be able to let me know what site I could go to for the schematic and source code if required I am new to pics I have constructed my first programmer but I have a lot to learn when it comes to programming pics
once again Gayan thank you again
kind regard
What Language you use?

For your request I can find only Nigels tutorial which meets your requirements.

You could visit Nigels Tutorial 2.
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