multi position switch (digital dip switch)

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Sorry, I got confused it is the IC-110 and when you said 100 I thought you were talking about something else. I should have realized what you meant.
I am feeling really dumb right now. I am having trouble figuring out the connection from the encoder to the circuit I want to make. Could you try giving me an example please.

Sorry if I mistyped the part number....

I will post circuit option
Sorry if I mistyped the part number....

I will post circuit option
No problem and thanks. I must be over-simplifying this. I thought I could somehow use the outputs from the BCDs to activate a short between the individual 5 DIP positions and the common. Sort of like 5 little relays. I just can't figure out how to turn their outputs into something that could close a switch. Does that make sense.
Could I not use 5 transistors to do what I want. I know I could if I wanted to deliver +anything but since I just want to deliver a closed circuit, could a transistor do that. Never mind....dumb idea.
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Could I not use 5 transistors to do what I want. I know I could if I wanted to deliver +anything but since I just want to deliver a closed circuit, could a transistor do that.

You could use a transistor or this circuit, if required there is an inverting version of this IC,,,74LS06

Personally I would not use discrete logic IC's for this project, a small PIC would do the job cheaper and a lot smaller.

It will be messy with logic gates.


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The problem is that the counter display is in BCD, you cannot drive the IC110 with a BCD pattern, it expects a Binary pattern.
and you cannot drive the 74LS47 decoder with a Binary pattern they expect a BCD pattern.
The problem is that the counter display is in BCD, you cannot drive the IC110 with a BCD pattern, it expects a Binary pattern.
and you cannot drive the 74LS47 decoder with a Binary pattern they expect a BCD pattern.

All right, you convinced me to do it with a PIC, but now I am confused again. I thought the BCD was Binary. It looked like it counts exactly the way I need it to. I knew it would not drive it directly and that is what I could not figure out. At the start I thought of using it to drive a solid state relay to switch the dip. I thought I could do it in the same way as this clip did to drive LEDs. I just wanted to drive a solid state relay instead.
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Even better yet, I was doing this to get a display (so I would not have to look at tiny dials.) What if I used a 32 position switch and displayed the switch position to numeric LEDs. That should be pretty easy, No???
BCD and Binary are identical for states 0 to 9. However for a five-bit counter, the states 10 to 31 inclusive have a different representation in BCD vs Binary.

Your encoder requires five bits of binary 0 to 31, while a two digit decimal numeric display requires an encoder/decoder between the binary counter, and the decimal tow-digit display (0-3,0-9).

You could use a Hexadecimal display 0-9,A,B,C,D,E,F for the low order digit, but now we are back to the Hexadecimal rotary (or thumbwheel) switch I suggested a bunch of posts ago...
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I misunderstood how to count BCD. I thought it cascaded to the next counter but I understand now. I think I might just try writing a pic chip. If I get it done I will let you know. Thanks for all your help so far. It has been very educational.
I misunderstood how to count BCD. I thought it cascaded to the next counter but I understand now. I think I might just try writing a pic chip. If I get it done I will let you know. Thanks for all your help so far. It has been very educational.

Just in case you cannot get it done in a PIC, this is an alternate solution.


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Thanks! That is what I thought before, but I thought the 193 could just replace the 192. I priced this out, and it is not much more than a pic. If I used a pic I would need a 40 pin and I priced one out and it seemed expensive at $20US. There is also the time involved to write the pic. I can do it but I am very new at it, so slow. I almost think this solution is cheaper and faster.

I would use a 7805 5Vreg in place of the 78L05 suggested earlier.
I guess you have noticed the BCD are LS192 and the Binary are LS193.

If you dont want a 1 sec auto increment, convert the 555 astable to a monostable and use it to debounce your increment push switch.
Not to push for any sort of solution but has the PIC16F727-I/P for $2.22.
I just completed a project using a PIC16F88 which is in an 18pin DIP. Here is a variant that would work for you that costs only $2.48
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