My boss is calling on my "electronic background"

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New Member
Hey all-
I've been working here, at my present job for almost a year. Boss says, you were an electronics tech right? Which I was, in what seems another life- so long ago when I served in the Navy.
I am asking for your help in identifying the parts I need to build this side project.

We have 3 devices inside of an enclosure. One device has an output we would like to tap. The output is 36Vdc @ 1Amp and we need to regulate it to 9Vdc 1/2 amp to power.

Without being too complicated can you all help me fill my order-

So I need a 7809 regulator(+9V)-
But perusing the internet it looks like maybe I need to buy a circuit board and possibly some capacitors and jumpers along with a heat sink?
Is there something I can purchase all in one that will satisfy my needs? Prebuilt as my soldering skills are rusty

Thank you for any help you provide
Can you just get a 120Vac powered surplus 9V wall-wart?

(36-9)*0.5 = 12W is a BIG heatsink.
Thank you.

The 120Vac/9Vdc transformer option is available on one of our devices. On the other end, the receiver end, it is not.
We only have the 36Vdc option to work with.

The R-78HB9.0-0.5 switching regulator is a nice option. We may try this.

If I also may ask- The components I know, capacitors, diodes- What is the board called that I need to place and solder the components on to? Printed circuit board? wafer board? My memory fails...

Thanks again!
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