My Control Circuit

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The 555 flashes the Warning LED when the Refill LED is illuminated. But when the Refill LED is dark, the Warning LED burns steady, that's the main purpose of the 555 chip in the circuit.

the basic summary is this

Up + Lower Sensor = 1; Refill = 0, Warn = 0, Operation = 1
Up Sensor = 0, Lower Sensor = 1; Refill = 0, Warn = 1, Operation = 1
Up + Lower Sensor = 0; Refill = 1, Warn = Flashing, Operation = 0

That's what I'm wanting in the indicator portion that I'm working on. I've got the warning and refill section taken care of, it's just the operation LED I'm working on getting to work in that pattern.
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Try this one.
Just change CWARN from 100nF to 10uF, in real life (multisim timebase is too high).

It's very simple, uses 2x555, 1x4027 JK FF, 1x4001 and 1x4009.
I omitted the boost transistors.

It could be more elaborated, more complete.

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Wow, how did you tie the section with the switches in with the 4027/555 sections? It works almost like I want it. One little quirk is the operation LED comes on when the lower sensor closes, the way I want it even in my schematic is the Operation LED only illuminates after the Upper sensor re-closes. But, I may have to settle with it as as-is. The transistors weren't acting as boosters, they were acting as switches, operating inversely of how they would normally work. That's how I was activating and deactivating the Warning and Refill LEDs
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I did that following what you've said.

Up + Lower Sensor = 1; Refill = 0, Warn = 0, Operation = 1
Up Sensor = 0, Lower Sensor = 1; Refill = 0, Warn = 1, Operation = 1
Up + Lower Sensor = 0; Refill = 1, Warn = Flashing, Operation = 0
I'm not doubting you, but it does re-activate the Operation LED when the Lower Sensor closes in the circuit you posted.
I'm not saying that you are doubting me.
It's a state machine. In order to make one you have to predict all situations possible.
Hrmm, I hadn't thought of that. The indicator portion of the circuit is what seems to be causing problems now, hehe. Trying to get the indicators to work in the form of the simple summary that I gave is giving me headaches. I know you guys are trying to help me, but its difficult to try to get the point across at times. It's not you guys, its me. I'm not the best at trying to get what I'm trying to explain across to others. I've been playing with my design in trying to get it working, and it seems like a PIC Micro is getting more and more attractive as this form of circuit design is destined to fail. I may have to take your advice Blueroom, and use a PIC to do what I'm wanting. Designing the circuit around the PIC is something I have never tried and will give me a little problem, but I'll check out some of the examples that come with Multisim to see if I can find a design that may work. Which is the best microcontroller to use for my project?
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Sometimes a uC solution saves you from a big headache.

Try to write everything you want and see, if a simple or a more complex solution is required.
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Sometimes a uC solution saves you from a big headache.

Try to write everything you want and see, if a simple or a more complex solution is required.

It does really simplify the circuitry. I've already set up the output and the 2 inputs. Now if I can get the setup to program the PIC and to see if I need a crystal to control the microcontroller.


  • Control Circuit (PIC).PNG
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The ancient 16F84 has long been replaced by the cheaper 16F628. You'll need to put a transistor and diode on that relay though and pull up resistors on the switches. Plus the 84 needs an external osc where the 628 comes with an internal one.
The ancient 16F84 has long been replaced by the cheaper 16F628. You'll need to put a transistor and diode on that relay though and pull up resistors on the switches. Plus the 84 needs an external osc where the 628 comes with an internal one.

And we must not forget to debounce the switches, if they are mechanical contacts sensors.
The sensors will not be mechanical switches. I'm still trying to decide what kind of system I can use to act as the upper and lower water level sensors. I've got the logic that I want to use for my program, but I don't know ANYTHING about programming. I've been browsing different sites about programming, and trying to find out how to write the program myself instead of asking on here. I may ask around here, if I can't figure out how to write the program to run my circuit.


  • Control Circuit (PIC) 3.PNG
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Then may I suggest the 18F1320 with Swordfish BASIC SE as your compiler.

Easy peasy to code with.

Eg: want an I/O pin on
or off

Time delays are easy
eg: a 10 second delay
Which PIC?

Okay, which PIC to use? First you recommend a 16F628, now you're recommending a 18F1320. Every time you recommend a different PIC microcontroller, I go looking for the datasheet for that IC. I'm having to use Eagle to build the circuit around that PIC, because Multisim does not have them in the database.
It's the software that determines the PIC, the 16F628 has a few decent free compilers such as Great Cow BASIC, PIC BASIC Pro (not sure if it supports the 628 but their website will tell you what PICs the free 40line version supports).
BASIC is very easy to learn an use, a nice stepping stone to more powerful languages like C or ASM.
Now Basic, now that's more my speed. I used to put together programs in basic, I take back my comment that I know nothing about programming. I used basic a lot when I was younger. Mainly I used QBasic which came with DOS 6.22 and earlier versions of winblows (95, 98).
Well IMHO Swordfish BASIC is by far the best of the lot but it only works with the 18F series PICs. The free version supports upto 256 byte RAM but no program size limit. It's IDE is really nice too. Since you've used Quickbasic you should have no problem figuring out most any PIC BASIC.

It's been a while, but I can figure out how to write programs in Basic.
UGH, I'm having trouble writing my own program, I don't know what the F@#$ to type to get my PIC to run according to my simple logic plan. I've been playing with the schematic and PCB to get it routed single sided. Like I said I haven't tried programming PICS and don't know what to do to get it programmed.
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