My first project with the Amicus18 Board (a DS18B20 temperature sensor)

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New Member
The Amicus18 is basically an Arduino clone, but for PICs. Probably the best part of the whole ordeal is that the Amicus IDE is actually a full version of the powerful Proton IDE, though its restricted to the 18F25K20 (that's what the Amicus18 has).

I recently grabbed one and wanted to see how things tick. I had a spare DS18B20 sitting around, and thought it would do the job fine.

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The IDE was very easy to use, (I am familiar with Proton PDS, so that was a given) - though I was well impressed by the seamless integration the Amicus IDE has with the Amicus18 board.

No external programmers/connectors, just plug it in and start coding! Here's a video of just that:

More info, source code and schematics can be found on the write-up here: Amicus IDE - DS18B20 Sensor
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