My Flip-flop multivibrator LT spice simulation is not working

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what is wrong with this circuit.
transient analysis = stop time 100ms , start time 0ms , maximum timestep 10


  • flip flop.asc
    1.4 KB · Views: 318
what is wrong with this circuit.
transient analysis = stop time 100ms , start time 0ms , maximum timestep 10

Look at these images... you have tran settings wrong.


  • AAesp02.gif
    11.5 KB · Views: 434
  • AAesp03.gif
    41.6 KB · Views: 407
how did it worked ? i used the same transient settings.
i am getting this


  • flips.jpg
    262.9 KB · Views: 382
how did it worked ? i used the same transient settings.
i am getting this

Like i said the .tran is wrong

You have a STOP time of 0.1second and a Time STEP of 10 seconds.

Note: the Time Step is the intervals which LTS calculates the plot points.!

so your total Stop time for the plot is 0.1 second and the next interval is 10 seconds later.

The STOP is the length of the Time Axis of the plot.

Do you follow OK.?
what transient settings should i use then, my 1/RC time constant is 1/100s alternatively frequency is 100Hz
image attached


  • flop.jpg
    250.1 KB · Views: 348
what transient settings should i use then, my 1/RC time constant is 1/100s alternatively frequency is 100Hz
image attached

Look at this marked up image.


  • AAesp02.gif
    38.3 KB · Views: 362
Use Simulate/Edit simulation Cmd, empty all the boxes in the pop-up dialogue, then just enter 0.3 in the Stop Time box.
i got this using same settings.
now what ?


  • uu.png
    160.4 KB · Views: 396
  • flip flop.asc
    1.4 KB · Views: 289
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ok now its coming .
but its therotical frequency is something else if you calculate 1/RC But it is showing freq. as 7Hz . ?


  • sdf.png
    164.3 KB · Views: 335
ok now its coming .
but its therotical frequency is something else if you calculate 1/RC But it is showing freq. as 7Hz . ?

Thats better.

What do you calculate the frequency should be.??
Most electrolytic caps can have a tolerance of +/-10% or more!
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if i calculate it , R= 10K ohm and C= .000001 Farad
1/RC = 0.1s , so Freq. = 10 Hz
thats 3 Hz behind :?
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