My techniques for making code writing fun.

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>>Try to have a logic picture for what you need to code.
>>I will calm my mind for 5 minutes and then think about how to solve issues. Works every time.
>>Try to code with calm mind and when you feel that you are not getting to anywhere just do something else like listening to music or something.
>> soothing music and a good environment and posture will help not to get tired.

TIP: have some dark chocolate with you. In times of "magical coding" give your brain a a treat of endorphin by having a piece of chocolate.

PS thanks to i came up with this
Music screws me up, I need silence for the gears to turn.

Sweets and associated crud help me when designing pcb's, I'll try it when coding.

My wife tells friends that I can think in binary, might be true.
I use whisky... I write like mad whist sipping the glorious stuff.. Trouble is, there is a limited time.... 2 hours or so...
You don't know about the Ballmer peak?
I found that when code debugging gets frustrating and you break more things than you repair, it is a good time to use GIT or similar versioning system so that you can later revert back and compare how exactly did you break the rest of functionality while you were trying to track down that one bug.
FWIW, making sure you are properly hydrated is probably the first option.

Gauge your pee..

If it ain't clear, you aren't getting enough fluids and providing your brain with what it really needs.....
Yeah but there only 10 kind of people that think in binary... Those who can and those who can't
11 kinds, those who can, cant and wont

And there are also (and I say this in decimal) 105 100 105 111 116 115
heh, 10, that took a min

..... a roll in the grass is what i need to keep from dying of boredom and falling asleep from coding, or as the hippies say enhancing the mind

walking away is good for a temporary solution to refresh the perspective, but makes for a lousy long term
Frustration and throwing the mouse on the desk yes but I've never fallen asleep.
frustration means i need to take at least 12 hrs break from it, to refresh my perspective and find all the semicolons and such iv missed,

but anytime i do any kind of math or lengthy reading for that matter, has always bored me to the point where i will yawn and yawn. my eyes get heavy and I loose complete interest, a little hoot, nothing crazy so i cant think, you do need alot of short term mem when coding!, just enough thou helps to ease the pain!

I can see how using Ians trick would work, cept for me personally i spin out way too fast, for me a single shot right before bed ensures i wake up for my alarm clock, otherwise i sleep through anything.
reminds me of a story i saw on tv about 15yrs ago, on OMNI1, Lucy Zillio would come out with these little 2min tidbits of interesting facts, my fav was:
THE WORLdS OLDEST BUDGIE, lived to be 21yrs old, average budgie life is about 12yrs or so, in this budgies case when he was about 11 or so the owners noticed that he looked a little droopy and down. So the owners decided to put a drop of brandy in his water dish, the bird went over to have a drink, an apparently liked it, since he perked right up to his normal self. From that day on anytime the budgie looked a little down a drop of brandy was used to perk him up again.... almost double his natural lifespan.

I'm not sure "coding while stoned" is going to win a lot of converts here. It's generally accepted to increase creativity while greatly reducing productivity...

Maybe if creativity is the stumbling block in your coding?

I'm not sure of the validity of that budgie storie in this coding thread but it's probably your "creativity" working hard there.

It sounds like the perfect example of a flawed experiment. Rather than proving that alcohol makes budgies live longer, it proved that if you get a creature that is used to freedom and fulfilment and a large territory of open skies, and lock it in a miserable little cage it probably dies an early death. And alcohol might help a creature tolerate confinement in a miserable little cage...
I've not touched weed for years, a sniff of booze and I might as well turn the pc off, or hang around on youtube looking at crud, totally removes any thinking capacity.
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