My techniques for making code writing fun.

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What the brain really needs or doesn't need. It would explain why I get tired after lunch, and why when I do limited exercise after that I'm not so tired and gain energy.

A healthy, efficient brain is one that draws on several different fuels. A healthy, efficient brain is one that uses ketones (and perhaps lactate and other fuels) to spare some glucose. A complete reliance on glucose indicates an underachieving brain, a brain that could do so much better, a brain that could really use a coconut milk curry and some intense exercise every now and again. As far as we can tell, then, the absolute physiological minimum is 30 grams of glucose. I wish I could provide hard numbers for some of the other contexts beyond near carnivory (like basic 150 grams carbs Primal eating with coconut or maybe figuring out how to rely on lactate fueling), but the numbers don’t really matter in practice. What matters is that our brains don’t need the full 120 grams of glucose, especially if we’re following a Primal Blueprint eating plan.

Primal Breakfast

Primal Lunch

Primal Dinner
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That depends how much of the brain is being activated and it's workload?

In the old "primal" days we did more physical work and used our brains a lot less. I can't speak for others but when I'm doing programming or other mental tasks my brain produces a ton of heat and my head actually gets hot, (which reduces productivity if the heat is not removed) and often resort to splashing water on my head and neck to remove the waste heat. My woman loves it on cold nights she walks up to me on the computer and warms her cold hands on my red hot skull, and thinks it's really funny.

That level of brain activity consumes a LOT of calories, and your body can't mobilise enough blood glucose from stored energy supplies to maintain that level of brain activity (and again lowers productivity when there is not enough calories supplied to the brain). Snacking on high glycemic index foods (sugars) keeps the blood glucose high and keeps the brain running. And getting all those calories into the brain and waste products out needs decent blood flow so getting up and pacing about is pretty normal too in times of high brain activity, as the body subconsciously forces physical activity to increase blood flow.

Any concept that everyone's brain uses X amount of glucose is as silly as saying everyone's muscles use X calories. It depends on the amount of brain or muscles being used and how intense that use is for the person involved. Some people's brains can probably run ok running on fumes.
Dohh never happens to me, 'cept scoffing sweets and crap.

Maybe you should design and patent a head heatsink, might make a packet.
Haha that's been joked about for years in my house! Should I put a little propeller on top of it to improve head heatsink efficiency?
Dohh never happens to me, 'cept scoffing sweets and crap.

Maybe you should design and patent a head heatsink, might make a packet.

Not just funny, good idea.

Haha that's been joked about for years in my house! Should I put a little propeller on top of it to improve head heatsink efficiency?

Last yr it was so hot in our room. (A lot of computers monitors and such, the ladies in the other dept have the trigger on the Therm Stat, we're freezing......... so ladies put on a sweater - geez )

Anyway, me and another Tech were so tired at the end of the Day, just couldn't think at all.

Hurry, make it quick before summerrrrr!

I'll be your first customer.
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