Myan Long Count Calendar

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Well-Known Member
If the world doesn't come to an end. We can just attribute the "Hard Drive Failure" to.....

The Mayan 2012 - ETO - Hard Drive Apocalypse


Edit: ok ok, I know. So, they made a mistake and it came early. So, what?
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So, If you guy's survive leave you name here

If you want you can tell us how dumb it was or if you really think that there is something to it. Hehe :WINK:


Edit: I couldn't resist, I'm just tired of the Black Hole Thread. Plus I'm a little board. Mostly Board :WINK:
Oh I plan to be here to morrow.

Even if no one else wants it!

I just made my wife take some Nyquil so I can get a good nights sleep during the Apocalypse.
If the Mayans could see the future, how come they're not around today!!

Nah, their calendar was a circle. I think they were smart enough to know things ordered around a circle continue... Where's the "end" of a circular calendar?

Well here in eastern Australia at the time I post this it has been 21st Dec 2012 for 23 hours and 48 minutes...
If the Mayans could see the future, how come they're not around today!!


There are some Mayans still around, Mike. They're just not members of the ancient civilization.

By the way, I slept right through "The Apocalypse". It happened at 6:11am this morning, here, and I didn't wake up until 8 o'clock!
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Oh I plan to be here to morrow.

Even if no one else wants it!

I just made my wife take some Nyquil so I can get a good nights sleep during the Apocalypse.

How's it going out Sawyer? Wife? when did that happen?

Glad to see everyone's still here, no gamma burst's or anything.


If you're reading this you have too much time on your hands
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How's it going out Sawyer? Wife? when did that happen?

Glad to see everyone's still here, no gamma burst's or anything.


This pretty much explains it all!

Same old same old here. I work at the local rail yard fueling trains. Its simple dull work but the pay is crazy which helps out with my wife and I having started to build a new house last summer.

No apocolypse here today either.
Hehe I saw on a news program somewhere in South America at a site with old Mayan temples there were a heap of loonies standing around... Waiting for the big UFO to take them away at the "appointed time". One of the interviews was particularly comical.
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That's so funny. I was with some tree hugging girls in my Twenty's. They said, hey lets all meet in South America 2012 and party. Years later I remember it.

They were probably down there smoking weed and drinking to the end of the world.

It's the end of the world as we know it. Ahem, and I feel fine...........wha, were still here? Damn.

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