Mysterious program....

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This is the second time i have restarted my computer, and this one program refuses to terminate. It is called "I should not be seen". Should i be alarmed? I just ran AVG, and it did not find anything, so is it some background process, or is it something that i should take immediate action over?
If I recall from a previous post you've recently installed ATI driver software for your USB tuner? It's from that... Their driver software sucks so bad I'd hardly call it functional. The first thing you need to learn how to use with an ATI device is how to use the seperate ATI device driver remover tool.. Look it up as any atempt to install new drivers will fail unless the old ones have been COMPLETLY removed, as well as any number of weird side effects.
Ummm that doesnt sound like a program that you would want running! If your Virus program doesnt pick it up, try running a spyware program. You should be able to download a free spyware removal tool, check

But I know if that was my computer I would search for that program on the harddrive and at least delete it, rename, or move it!


I know for a fact that it isn't the ATI drivers. It happend once way before this, too.

Yeah, now you can see why i am alarmed! The name is very mysterious.... I will do some deep searching later on...
I only install programs i am 100% sure about. I swear, M$ has a monopoly going here... I am sure they will never get linux, though. People who are passionate about OpenSOURCE and Freeware would hunt bill down and, well, the sniper rifle may appeal to them at the time....
I wish I could remember the exact name of the program that causes this. I've had the same problem, but it was like two years ago so I don't remember how I solved it. It is a system clutter issue, but it's not a virus. Have you gone through your registries autorun entries latley and cleared out any garabage that may be there?
No, not lately(ahh, i just installed xp, remember? ). I guess it wouldn't hurt. Just so it isn't a virus(i didn't think it was, but, like said before, the name is sary; "I should not be seen."). Yeah, when i get time, i will clean out my registry, and then clear out the auto run crap.
can you see any mysterious exe in the taskmanager.? (posting here the list of exe in TM may help) . checked the startup sections of registry .?

Open sorce is different to freeware, I'm sure you know I'm just reinforcing that point. Even if Microsoft starting selling Linux they would never own it, but they can buy up freeware and own it because it isn't free software it's proprietary software.

Process explorer is still good, even though it's now a M$ program, it will give you more information about what's running on your system.
can you see any mysterious exe in the taskmanager.? (posting here the list of exe in TM may help) . checked the startup sections of registry .?

everything i saw looked familiar.
I would run "spybot search and distroy" and "adaware SE" (all on If anything is found remove it and reboot and see it
it works.. If not fixed, run hijackthis.exe and send the log here.

I have a 4 gig USB keychain, if I put a smaller on my machine, it makes me load the XP CD, then I put mine back on it wants it again. I just copied the i386 directory on the hard drive. Microsoft does suck on the one machine I must have it on.

I spend a part of my day running around the building fixing Microsoft stuff. So I sort of am getting used to it.
I used to use Spybot Search and Destroy. I don't remember why i stopped using it? Hmm, well, i probably have the install around here(somewhere amongst the piles of CDs and Hard Drives...)
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