Name of old PC game ?

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Coop Build Coordinator
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I have been thinking about an old game we used to play on the PC in the early 80's.

There was a moving dot (snake) with a tail that grew longer with each turn. I think the idea was to draw walls which confined the snake.

I would like to download and play it but there are many SNAKE games. Do you have a link to where I can find it. There seem to be several snake games.

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I vaguely remember a game like that.
From what i recall, the idea was to keep going as long a you could.
You had to leave enough room to keep going, cos eventually all the
space would get filled.

I think it might have come with the early (MS)Windows releases,
which included a few games.

Regards, John
There was a moving dot (snake) with a tail that grew longer with each turn. I think the idea was to draw walls which confined the snake.

I played this on a BBC computer in 1984, I don't recall the tail getting longer, but do remember the 'boxing in' bit.

I seem to recall that eventually the game told you how much of the screen you had managed to seal off from the snake as a percentage.

I've had a look around for it, but can only find the 'tail growing' variety.
It's a very old game. One of my first assembly language projects on the Commodore 64...

Score points by running into dots that light up in random locations for a short period of time. Each time you score, tail gets longer. Game ends when you collide with self or walls. After tail gets to a certain length, a new level (reset tail, moves faster). Might be able to dig up a copy of the program, but wouldn't be easy to follow. I wrote my own assembler, no labels, locations and numbers all in hexadecimal, and of course no comments...
There is a version that is installed with Ubuntu.

There was also a version called Tron that used light cycles and appeared in the film of the same name.

Close enough to be fun but not the same game.
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It's called nibbles. I made a 4-player one in High school It was awesome becuase the librarians couldn't stop me from playing it on the library PCs. It wasn't a was debugging an assignment,.
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