need a help

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New Member
Hi All,,,
I want IC's with their data sheets doing this:

1) Function generator generates unidirectional triangular carrier wave with freq up to 5 k HZ

2) Function generator generates sine wave

3) Inverter ….multiply the wave by (-1)

4) Comparator

5) Opto_coupler

would you help me pls ?
1,2) XR2206, ICL8038, MAX038
3) any opamp 741, 324, TL071_072
4)LM393,LM339 or opamp.
Not hard to find the datasheets.


  • max038.pdf
    203.1 KB · Views: 504
  • xr2206_783.pdf
    191.9 KB · Views: 445
  • icl8038_142.pdf
    85.7 KB · Views: 487
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