Need a little help with My Clock Project, Please

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New Member
I made a Clock circuit out of 7493s ,7447, 7408, and anode seven seg displays. I started with making a mod-60 counter for the seconds and then duplicating it for the minutes. then i made a mod-12 counter for the hours. every thing works and counts correctly. where im stuck is where the seven seg display for the mod 12 counter wants to count to nine and then gives me some funky looking numbers for the 10,11, and 12.

Thanks for your help.



  • p1.jpg
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  • mod 12.jpg
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It's hexidecimal, they aren't funky looking numbers they are letters. Hexadecimal displays work on 4 bit binary and the output displays the following: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F. This represents 0-15 on the binary scale. Have your circuit reset itself for A through F and it should work fine.
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