It more about the calculation itself. True, no one would ever specify a resistor to 10 places, but in the calculation it could make a difference. In this day and age there really is no reason for not being precise… it’s not like the only tool available is a slide rule.
In this case Eric’s solution and a “more precise” answer differ by ~.3. .3 could make a difference…as an example, suppose an equation was given whose solution was in units of KΩ’s, and you were looking at the E-192 series standard values 14.0, 14.2 and 14.3… three standard values which differ by .3. Which one do you choose?
In this case Eric’s solution and a “more precise” answer differ by ~.3. .3 could make a difference…as an example, suppose an equation was given whose solution was in units of KΩ’s, and you were looking at the E-192 series standard values 14.0, 14.2 and 14.3… three standard values which differ by .3. Which one do you choose?
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