Of course you need A/D front end, and a LPF filter to masnage Nyquist related issues.
You can do the filter in code and or HW.
Your adder wants to be an ALU of some sort.
Take a look at old time 2900 family ALU, it was quite the rage (speed) before
MOS bloomed in capability.
Or use a single chip that has all the elements and routable (simple with wizard).
It also does have an ALU HW block in it, and happens to have a real capable
digital filter, FIR and IIR, but you can ignore that and using basic logic elements
and/or Verilog do a design. Has the A/D, and analog stuff. Following is example
of whats on chip, multiple copies in many cases of these elements. PSOC 5LP
The datapaths in parts (in each UDB) , they are cascadeable (there are 24 UDB's in the bigger parts) :
As stated earlier you can use Verilog to create your own elements, or schematic capture.
Community has done quite a few (apart from the above standard lib). Like DDS, CORDIC,
CPLD, 74HC equivalents (a few)....
The board is ~$15, CY8CKIT-059, IDE and compiler free, PSOC Creator.
Regards, Dana.