need help identifying stepper motor

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New Member
I'm looking for help on identifying a stepper motor out of my sprinkler controller. It's a four wire. small (1" diameter, 1/2" high) 12V motor. No manufacturer label is on it, but there are two numbers stamped on the top: "1169" and "1700". The gear is 10 tooth. The flange holes are 1 3/8" on center. I couldn't find a cross reference with any combination on google. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have supplied pictures to help with id.



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Hi Lem, welcome to the forum.
I think what you meant is you want to identify the pins of the stepper, isn't it? Usually a stepper motor has a common terminal which allows you to see the right sequence to control it. So to reverse the pinouts, you'll just have to apply a voltage on one pin for GND, and run through the other pins with Vcc. If it turns clockwise or counter-clockwise, you have your pins identified already. If it doesn't turn, make another pin as "common", repeat the steps, and so on until you get it.
I am trying to find a replacement for this stepper. The company that made the sprinkler controller went out of business. This stepper controls rate of water flow and is defective. It had frozen up a few months back and I was able to coax it back to working, but unfortunately that did not last. I mistakenly thought it would be easy to find a replacement, but that is apparently not the case.
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