Need Help in Deciding Final Year Project

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Dear Members!

I am "Electronics and Telecom Engg" student and am worried about my Final Year Project. Actually my area of interest is "RF and Microwave Engg"; thats why I need guidence for the Final Year Project in this area. I wish to have a project which is sophisticated one and which must be appreciated well in this Field.I have six group members and I wish a project which will make every one busy.If you can help me then tell me the Topic of the project which I can make.Please!
A project useing Easyradio RF modules Low Power Radio Modules, Telemetry : rf module : fm radio modules :: embedded radio and a PIC would be usefull I think, the Easyradio modules are basically wireless RS232. Then again, you ask for something "telecom but not electronics related" . Thats a bit odd, since this is an electronics/embedded UP related site. High end telecoms without refering to electonics would seem to be a rather esoteric domain not cover here.

For starters, only one g in engineer.
Secondly, this is your project, asking someone else to do it for you is cheating.
For "Mikebits" ::
I only asked idea regarding Project.It is not cheating!

I think you're missing the point - one of the main reasons for a final year project is to see what YOU can think up (it's a test in itself). Getting a project elsewhere is cheating as regards this important part of the process.
How about designing and building a RF modulated warp space drive. I'm sure that would get you and your group much recognition and possibly a nice final grade.

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