need help on L293D

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New Member
I wanna information about Lm293d. the datadheet of that and of coursewhat this ic do & how it work ???? :?: for example in the picture of circuit i attach there is this ic but i dont know what this ic do?? :?: :?:
please help me
thanks alot bye


  • Pbotcircuit.gif
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The AT89C2051 is an 8-bit microcontroller, the L293D is a push-pull 4-channel inductive load (motor, relay, solenoid, etc.) driver, and the LM7805 is a voltage regulator.

Here are datasheets for the thee IC's used in your circuit:

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LM78xx National
sorry mam..
but the ckt you attached is of what???....

Please tell me as i also want to know about l293d...
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