Need help on PID!!! F1 F1 F1 !!!

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New Member
Hi all!
I wanna ask you a question about discrete PID controller.
I have found out this equation:
PID=PID_last + Kp (e-e1) + (1/2)Ki.T(e+e1) + (1/T).Kd (e- 2.e1+e2)
with: PID is the output of the controller.
PID_last is the last PID calculated.
e is the error
e1 is the error last.
e2 is the error "last last"
Kp, Ki, Kd is 3 number.
T is the sampling time.
The problem is the sampling time T. It is small number. But I can calc it (about 100us, uhm... not sure...).
But is it necessary to calculate T. Could we make it equals to zero then we don't need to calculate it.
If you have some experiences in discrete PID controller, would you please help me out ? Thank in advance.

By the way, anybody have the tutorial on using HT-PIC? Please post it here. I am bored with CCS C (PIC comliler).
PID stands Proportional Integral Derivative
Integral and Derivative functions are time dependent
So in case of a PID the output at any time will depend on time
If you make T = 0
Your Integral part with become 0 and Derivative part Infinite

If you have some experiences in discrete PID controller, would you please help me out ? Thank in advance.
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