Need Help Please On Building A Fish Bite Alarm

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New Member
I am a new member and would like to know if anyone can help me with making this bite alarm. What it does, is that it stays on the rod stand and when the fish runs the line pulls the straw toward the black box. I don't know what all I need to make this thing but when it goes off it makes a sound and it has led lights at the top. Here is a pic any help and directions would be greatly appreciated thanks JT


  • beeper.jpg
    11.1 KB · Views: 1,696
Fish bite alarm

I posted in the wrong area before I think. So here it is again maybe someone will help. I am trying to make some bite alarms similar to this one for myself. Not going to sell them. This is not a patient product it is homeade and they are made several different ways I just don't have the electronics common sense or any sense of electronics to make one. So all the help in making this thing would be greatly appreciated. THanks again JT


  • beeper.jpg
    11.1 KB · Views: 535
to expensive can be made cheaper not to be a smart but or anything but I have spent a lot in carp fishing and I would like to save a little thanks
Actually I would think a tilt sensor, a few batteries and a buzzer or LED could be fixed into a small tube fastened around the tip of the pole.

You'll spend 2-5 times more making your own because the learning process will cost you.
You're asking us to GIVE YOU an equivalent product free in full detail, how do you think that will work out?

If you can make it cheaper, do it, you're asking us to mint you money.

You're not tryign to learn anything, you're just trying to save a buck.

If it's so easy, then do it.
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I appreciate at it Ron

Sceadwain all I ask was a question man and that is what the forum said it was for and that's cool if you want to be like that cause man everybody don't go to school on this and yeah I will be honest in this day and time I would like to save a buck or to and if you wouldn't just send the money on down here.
Years ago I would have suggested a simple little mercury tilt switch. However, suggesting mercury today especially for use around a lake may not be a bright idea. They do make mercury free switches similar to these. I have never used them and have no clue as to distributor and price. Something like that, a few coin cell batteries and a small LED or Buzzer would likely work. Not much to it.

Let me know if you want more help. Been years since I enjoyed time fishing. While not a great carp enthusiast I enjoy catching them. Hell up here I am a few miles from Lake Erie. I do love the walleye and lake perch, real good eating. Lake Erie also has these large sheeps-head (drum) which are large like carp, give a good fight and suck to eat. Born and raised on LI NY if it comes out of water I generally eat it.

you are all over the big carp most of our paylake carp come from up there. Man if you get a chance to go shoot send me an email and I will send you some bait recipes people think that carp fishing is simple it is in some places but others it is a sience. yeah all I do is catch them for the hell of it they put up a good fight. I fish some paylakes but the ones I used to win all the money at don't have a crowd anymore, so it's not worth spending 80 to 100 dollars to fish for 8 hours.
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Don't laugh but a box of Wheeties breakfast cerial. Mix a handful of the stuff with water and it gets real gummy. I have caught more catfish and carp with that crap.

Don't know if you ever heard of a guy named Kastaway Kulis who is big in freeze dried bait but he is a friend of mine. Haven't seen him in years but he was doing a few outdoor shows for TV. I rented some space from Joe when we had the gun shop we owned. Great guy!


Yeah, I dragged the thread off topic.
shoot it's alright I have used wheaties with water and some strawberry flavor and caught the hound out of them in lake hickory nc. I haven't heard of that guy but freeze dried bread is a big deal down here. I appreciate all your kindness to a newby. Man when I get the stuff I think that I need and get stuck I may give you a hollar if you don't mind.
Why not just attach a small "jingle" bell to the tip of the pole (like what is used on a cat's collar). It's simple, doesn't require batteries, and the tinging sound is just as noticeable---- K.I.S.S.
You can buy a bag of the small bells at a craft store for cheap!
That's exactly what I was thinking when I read his post. They even make little bells with a clip just for that and sell them at the bait shops. But hey, he's a fisherman (and truck driver) so he must know that already and for one reason or another wants an buzzer and LED. I can see someone getting frustrated when they ask for something specific and they get nothing but suggestions to do something else. I see the point made earlier about "wanting something for nothing" but if people here didn't enjoy giving free help, then there wouldn't be any people here.
Even the weight of a small battery and then the electronics is too much for most fishing pole tips-- to still give good action when a fish bites. A small bell doesn't reduce the pole's tip sensitivity. I was at the sporting goods store today and I saw very small "cow bell" type bells with a clip on them. Overpriced and too large.
Or the straw could be mounted on the lever of a small lever-actuated microswitch, to turn on a buzzer and/or LED.
A VERRRY CHEAP "switch" can be made from a plastic clothes pin and a 9v. battery hooked to a small-voltage buzzer. (Navy Seabees "Casn Do" ) Small screws INSIDE the "clamps" (2) with light wiring. The 9v battery connected to the buzzer ( 1 wire ). Connect the open end of the battery to 1 of the wires on the clothes pin and the open connection of the buzzer to the other wire on the clothes pin = circuit closed = "BUZZZZZ". Put a match stick or something else in the "jaws of the clothes pin = open circuit = NO buzz An LED with resister can be wired with the buzzer for light. There are different ways to fasten the clothes pin and/or stick to your pole so it will not interfere with reeling that big fish. (( similiar to placing a "Booby Trap" across an enemy trail with a trip wire = simple / effective ))
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