need help to identify these smd's

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New Member
This circuit is from a stinger auto voltmeter, I believe the burnt out smds (the two black components are blown) and the bigger one is actually cracked. Could someone tell wat these components are so I can get them at the parts store and see if replacing them may bring back my voltmeter to life. The bigger smd which is the cracked one has B055 imprinted on it and has four pins , hope this can help in someway. thanks


  • SDC10946.JPG
    374.4 KB · Views: 359
  • SDC10949.JPG
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It looks like a bridge and a buffer resistor.
There is a short on the board (could be the regulator) and this caused the damage.
Replace the regulator with another 5v regulator. The bridge can be WO4 and the resistor will be 22R to 47R.
You need to supply 12v via current limiting to test the circuit.
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