Hi MrAI,
Thanks for your suggestions.
I appologise for my assumptions. Actually, in MATLAB [a b] for a transfer function means aS + b. Similarly, [a b c] would mean aS^2 + bS + c... and so on. MATLAB represents transfer functions as row matrices.
I am grateful for your suggestions on compensator values. Immediately I get to the lab, I'll try them and give feedback as you said. Then (when it works) you owe me a COMPREHENSIVE course on compensation.
I will post my boost design if that is necessary (didnt think so given that it is a classical boost structure but with a sync rectifier - and which worked when I used a function generator instead of the pwm controller). Right now I am on the move, in about 4 hours time, i'll post the design.
Hi again,
Oh ok that would be great. I really like to see the whole system
as that takes away a lot of the guess work.
BTW, i had mentioned a 'buck' regulator when i should have been saying
a 'boost' regulator...my apologies for that misstatement. The compensation
networks however come from the general equations you gave so if
everything is right then it will be ok. Of course you still have to test
your device for no load, full load, low line, high line, etc., etc., to make
sure the compensation works exactly as is for all conditions of operation.