Need help with Drag Racing Accelerometer

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New Member
Hello, I am a Drag Racer and have very limited knowlege of circuit design and software programming, I am however a Mechanical Engineer. There are currently off the shelf performance meters available that utilize an accelerometer and other inputs to accurately record, calculate, and display many performance attributes including 60 foot elapsed time and quarter mile elapsed time. I would like to find someone who could take one of these boxes apart and then re-program it to record a 1000 foot distance elapsed time and then calculate and immediately display the predicted quarter mile elapsed time (1320 feet) using the formula: 1000 ft et + predicted et from 1000 to 1320 feet (Calculated using the instant acceleration at 1000 ft.) Any takers out there? The device that I want modified is the G-Tech Pro RR. Here is a link: G-TECH/Pro Homepage

Thanks, SS1082SS
Sorry, but it's usually nigh impossible (or very time consuming) to reverse engineer and reprogram consumer electronics.

As an alternative, you could use a GPS module connected to a laptop and a small application to give you estimates of acceleration, speed, elapsed times, etc or any function thereof.
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