I need a circuit that will stay at a logic state low for ten or so minutes then switch and stay at a logic state high. I need it for a heater indicator to let you know the heating element is hot enough. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.
I'm running a piece of nichrome ribbon (resistance unknown) with a 12v 6A supply and controlling the temperature with a SSH7N90A mosfet. The temperature range will be between 310-400 deg. farenheit. I was going to use the timer as an indicator so it would light up when the element was hot enough, but I'd rather have a thermometer. If I used a temperature sensative resistor (thermistor i believe) and an op amp with an analog meter could I make a cheap analog thermometer? Any other ideas?
My goal is to be able to send a clock pulse from a 4001 NOR gate oscillator and increase the temperature by increments of 10 degrees.