This is one reason why I've never been a big fan of C. Just like in real life, if everything is legal, things can get unpredictable and dangerous. Instead of calling it "C" they should have called it "A" for anarchy.
The MAX6922 can handle 76 volts at the outputs (which is actually more than either the 7441 or 74141 TTL Nixie driver IC's). The Nixies drop approximately 100 volts from the anode to the cathodes. So, the MAX6922 only sees about 50 volts. The biggest limitation is that the MAX6922 outputs can only sink 2.5 mA each. So it won't work with some of the bigger Nixie tubes. But it's fine for the smaller ones like the IN-16's.
Even though they're a bit pricey, I like using the MAX6922's because they only need three control lines from the Arduino or PIC, and they can be daisy-chained to drive as many Nixies as you want, 3 Nixies per MAX6922.
The one that still occasionally gets me is if(var=3) instead of if(var==3). I've tried using if(3==var) so it throws an error at compile time but for some reason my fingers always type it the other way around.
Pascal uses =: for assignment. So, there is still a distinction, but it's a more logical one, unlikely to get confused with a comparison operator.
Overall, I'd much rather be programming in Pascal, or another Algol variant. If it compiles successfully, chances are much better that it will do something close to what you'd intended.
I been playing with some of these, kind of cool got about 3 weeks till the driver comes in from china to
make my board.
I got 20 of them this is my tester im going to make 8 drivers
out npn pnp pairs