Long, long ago - my first computer was a Tangerine Microtan 65, which was a Eurocard sized board, you could then add a second board TANEX (
EXpansion), and a small backplane board was available to connect the two together. The second board provided memory expansion, ROM and RAM, plus a cassette interface.
Following on from that, you could buy a full size backplane - which included memory paging - and add extra boards.
Among the extra boards I bought was a 'hi-res' graphics card (not very hi-res, and only mono), a sound synthesiser card (using the usual AY type IC) - and a third party CMOS battery backed memory card, using 2K static RAM's.
However, when I built the memory card I was getting really 'strange' problems, which took a LOT of investigating to figure out what was happening - eventually I realised that the memory was getting duplicated - you wrote to one part, and it was duplicated so many times up all the memory. By working out the exact spacing, I realised that it meant two of the address lines on the memory card were shorted together, and also exactly which two it was.
I confirmed the short with a meter, and VERY, VERY carefully examined the board - expecting to find a solder splash across the address lines, but it wasn't that - it was a manufacturing defect on the PCB, and a tiny piece of track between address lines hadn't been etched away completely. A small cut with a Stanley knife instantly cured the problem
I wonder if you have something similar?