Need to find a relay with the same footprint as this

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Are the footprints on most relays a common standard?
Ive got a failed relay on an inverter board and want to replace them all, since they appear a low quality brand, im hoping I can get something thats more commonly available and a better brand.

This is the model here, is says on the datasheet that its a european "8mm" footprint, but have no idea what that means, as you can see in the datasheet, nothing even measures anywhere near 8mm.


ive been looking on RS and cant even search by or sort by footprints, so how do you even know what pin spacing to search for?

I have tried sorting by dimensions, but nothing really comes up with the same pinouts that I can see.
There are quite a few different common standards, plus various makers unique ones and specials...

The one you link says European 11mm or USA 8mm?

Can you take a photo of the relay, and especially the underside of the PCB showing the pins, with a ruler near them for scale?
The two pins that are at the bottom of the diagram are 7.8 mm apart in the "USA Footprint (8mm)" version and they are 11 mm apart in the "European Footprint (11 mm)" version. They are probably named like that because it looks like the most distinctive difference.

There are quite a few places in Europe that will ship to New Zealand. A quick search found this:-

Here are some photos.

Datasheet suggests it's an "automotive" relay. I believe other people with this same unit are having failing relays too. I feel they are poor quality so hoping I can source a better brand that's more widely available.

I dont have the board on me to measure. But I believe they would be close to the quoted 22x26mm size on the datasheet.


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Usually when I run into this situation I will try and make a conversion pcb so I can use a more reliable / easier sourced relay. Its pretty big relay so should be easy enough to change.
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