Negative ioniser rectifier design check/suggestions etc.

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Hi, I was wondering if anyone could check my design for the h/w rectifier for this negative ion generator. (Maths is not my strong point.) I know it could be much simpler, like one diode, but I can't find parts of appropriate values or at realistic prices, so it's designed around what I can find.
Any suggestions gratefully appreciated!

If anyone's interested, as is now most obvious, the voltage ratings on the capacitors are insufficient. I've change C1-4 to just two 30kv 1000pf, not ideal, but will do. C5 is now 20kv, 1000pf or 2000pf depending, and keeps a negative charge on the needles.
The capacitors and resistors are to prolong the life of the diodes in series and protect against transient voltage, etc. Some people think this is unnecessary, but I'm fussy.
Also some people seem concerned about ozone, air ionisers don't produce much ozone. I like taking corona discharge photos of plants, that does make a lot (relatively) of ozone, but nowhere near enough to be dangerous. Makes the air smell clean!
As for the health benefits of ionisers, I don't know. There is evidence if they are strong enough they can be useful, I'm trying it out to counteract the hot dry winds here that give me migraines.
If you can see anything glaringly wrong, please tell me. Electronics is not my thing.


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By 21 ,213 volts, are you referring to the peak inverse voltage? I thought the rectified voltage of half wave would be about 45% of the AC RMS. Volts dc= voltage peak/pi which is about 6750 volts. I could be wrong though. After you pointing that out, I think you are probably right about capacitors 1 -4 not being rated high enough though. Thanks.
I appreciate you replying, and I agree the voltage ratings are wrong. But I fail to see how you arrive at 21, 213 volts being the value of a half rectified sine wave. Yes, the peak voltage of the AC wave is 1.1414 x RMS, but my understanding is the half rectified DC RMS is
'Vrms = Vpeak/2' being 21210/2 = 10605 RMS post rectification. With an average voltage of 6744, which is Vdc = 21210/pi.
If I have that wrong can you explain why? Thanks.
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