New avator

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It can't be a coincidence that there's only a single letter difference between 'rap' and 'crap'

But each to his own!, and some of it is remarkably well done!.
I found a picture of Omar from the canadian police department

**broken link removed**

It was from their website
Oh my gaaad!
How did that get there?
Don't I have my rights? They're not supposed to release my picture!!


P.S. "Fosheezy"
Umm. No.
And don't worry, Krumlink. You're right there beside me in that picture .

Edit: Just to clarify, I am the one with the nice stack of money in my hands.
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Those two goobers are about as scary and threatening as a marshmallow on a green twig. What kind of handgun has a muzzle like that one? An air-soft one for $7.95 or is that a Toys r Us flashlight in disguise?
HiTech said:
Those two goobers are about as scary and threatening as a marshmallow on a green twig. What kind of handgun has a muzzle like that one? An air-soft one for $7.95 or is that a Toys r Us flashlight in disguise?

I'd say it's a CO2 powered BB gun, too beefy to be an airsoft. $12 at Wal-Mart if you get the cheap one, I think.
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