New ICD2 clone design.

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Someone Electro

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I wanted to build a ICD2 but the simple version cant work on 3.3V. So i went to design a 3.3V version without the logic gates. And with USB support because com ports are disappearing and needing external power.

What i did was use a bidirectional level shifter chip from maxim.Also a small change to the MCLR part of the circuit so it will pull up to targets supply and not 5V.

Anyone sees a reason why this wound not work?


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Is there any reason you do not build/buy/aquire a a PICkit2 or Junebug ?
I have the original PicKit 2 from microchip and it works great for programming and stuff. But MPLAB supports next to no PICs to debug with. While on the other hand the ICD2 dose. And i kinda got in to the higher range of pics the 16 bit family so i also need 3.3V compatibility.

In basicaly making the inchworm with USB interface but modified to work on 3.3V
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Could it be that you are using an old version of MPLAB. Debug support for PICkit2 has been improving. I was under the impression the PICkit2 was able to use 3.3V parts. Bill has a fix that allows the Junebug to do 3.3V too.

The RS232 ICD2 is a very solid tool. But I found the ICD2 USB drivers rather ugly to work with. Microchip either could not or world not fix the problem. Instead they release tools to remove and reinstall the drives. And there is a sequence of steps that will mess up the flash on the 18F4550. I see it as a why bother.
Yeah i checked and the supported list has expanded a lot. Meaby it is worth waiting for it to support it. Or just make the com port version til then.
What chips are you needing to program that are not supported by PICkit2?

If they are old chips the chance of them being added are smaller then for new chips. Especially if they are at or near end of production. Can you use a supported chip instead ?
No i don't have programing problems. The pickit software will program nearly any pic out there old and new.

The problem is with debug.For that it supports i guess half of all pic, meaby less. But the ICD2 supports most pics that have debug ability.
I mis-spoke (mis-typed) I did intend to say debug. And as I said can you swtich to a PIC you can debug.

Well it doesn't support any of the 30F family and mostly supports the big SMD devices for 33F and 24HJ. While the ICD2 works with most of these familys.
PICkit2 supports these 30F:
dsPIC30 Devices

  • dsPIC30F1010
  • dsPIC30F2010, 2011, 2012
  • dsPIC30F2020, 2023
  • dsPIC30F 3010, 3011, 3012
  • dsPIC30F3013, 3014
  • dsPIC30F4011, 4012, 4013
  • dsPIC30F5011, 5013, 5015, 5016
  • dsPIC30F6010A, 6011A, 6012A
  • dsPIC39F6013A, 6014A, 6015
with MPLAB v8.14

I'm not sure, does it debug too?
The debug is what i need. The pickit can program nearly every pic from the tiny 6 pins to the big 32 bit ones.

Run MPLAB and select the device you are interested in.
The dialog box shows what programmers and debuggers are supported. (you may know this but I have no way to know what you know YMKTIHNWKWYN)
8.14 shows beta debug support (yellow) for the first few uC on bananasiong list of dsPIC30 processors.
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