New kit announcement, Junebug (PICKit2 & Firefly)

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Well-Known Member
It's a combination simplified PICKit2 clone (5V only) and Firefly 16F88 Tutor (sans the ZIF socket)

Seems the local students want a cheap USB programmer and the PICKit2 design might do the trick. Although it programs and debugs less PICs than an ICD2 like the Inchworm it does program most "popular" PICs and even debugs a handful of them just like an ICD2.

They can be built separately and the the Tutor can be disconnected from the programmer. Here's a preview of the PCB.
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Here's a photo of the PICKit2 prototype (Minimal design) and it works.
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And the schematic
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Bill the C++ class in the other thread I was talking about would love to have some of these. I know PICS are in C, but they will get over it

There would be about 20 kids, so 20 kits...

Man that is alot of soldering, and I am the best at my School...

I would probably die from soldering that much.

The pic is not me


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Thanks, the prototype now has VPP before VDD and I'm adding the Firefly 16F88 tutor to it. If you want I can send you this PCB when it's done. You can use your Inchworm to program it initially.

A 12 pole dip switch will set all the options including UART and I2C EEPROM (both the 16F88 and PK2 will be able to program the 24LC128, the 16F88 has limited I2C but still does most of the work for you)

I'd be happy if you show it to your class, it's a PIC lab/programmer/debugger that fits in the palm of your hand (exactly same size as the Inchworm PCB).
I dont want to rush you, but when You are finished I would be more than happy to try it out
To get it right takes a little time, I'll keep everyone updated

I've got to ask Mike if I can use 2N7000 instead of the NPNs to GND. (Avoid the 10K resistor to save space, the PCB is a tight squeeze)
Hi after a long time to this site.

Bill what was happened to that Giraffe kit is it still under construction?
Yes, the PK2 was such a eye opener with the release of MPLAB 7.62 that I couldn't resist building (and buying a real PICKit2) because the prototype kept locking up. Turns out the USB port on my laptop was at fault.

All the other kits will appear asap. The Junebug, Cricket, Ladybug then Giraffe. Getting quite a zoo assembled.

Do you, or any one else, know what is the purpose of the 2 serial eeproms in the original design?

As far as I know they're saving that for future use. Might be to store a .hex file for remote programming but it's currently not used. I have a I2C EEPROM going onto the kit but it's for the 16F88 / PICKit2 EEPROM programmer function.
blueroomelectronics said:
I have a I2C EEPROM going onto the kit but it's for the 16F88 / PICKit2 EEPROM programmer function.

It's well hidden in the above preview of the PCB.

That's not a current image. I've been tweaking the prototype, and it currently has a huge 12 position DIP switch.

I've come across another PK2 variation called the PICKit2 serial analyzer (it's similar but different hardware in the I/O section) Would be interesting but I've got limited space on the PCB. Will start to use 1/8W resistors and SIP resistors.

Refresh the page for a slightly more recent PCB layout
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Bill, I showed the Firefly to that C++/C teacher, and He wants to get a couple to try out. If they work, he will buy 20+ of them.

WHat is a rough price estimation?
Sweet when can we expect it?

So it is a USB programming board that also has the firefly on it? that is awesome! I cant wait to get one! When you send out the boards and stuff, can you give me a parts list?

I cant wait to get my hands on one.

I will have to talk to my C teacher to see how many he will need...
It's coming along nicely, you'll have to refresh your browser to see the board (should be blue) in the first post.
Notice it's also a new size 115mm x 57mm, compatable with the LAB-EASY prototyping system (I'll post a photo, I'm sure most will want one)
The dipswitch IMHO is better than using jumpers as you can't lose them!
Here's what it does. There is one jumper but it should be very rare to use, the bootloader to reflash the programmer part if a firmware update goes bad.
  1. VR2, connects potentiometer2 to 16F88
  2. VR1, connects potentiometer1 to 16F88
  3. IRIN, connects IR receiver to 16F88
  4. TX, connects 16F88 UART to PICKit 2 UART test (very cool feature)
  5. RX, connects 16F88 UART to PICKit 2 UART test *
  6. I2P, connects 24LC64 EEPROM to PICKit 2 EEPROM programmer**
  7. I2T, connects 24LC64 to 16F88 SSP (only a partial master)**
  8. Tutor, connects 16F88 to PICKit 2
* uses PK2 software, does not work while debugging
** it should be possible to set the 16F88 up as an EEPROM emulator

PS I'll squeeze a 18F1320 socket (dual with 16F88) so you can also use Junebug as a 18F trainer with C18 (Free student edition) or Swordfish BASIC. Refresh your browser and you'll see the double socket in the first post image.
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