New OS system help please

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How do I install a new operating system I want to install Windows 98 I used fdisk and have new partitions I get screen saying missing operating system.

Can you help me please I use google it did not help/
You need a windows 98 boot cd and you need to make sure your PC is set up to boot from cd [not necessarily as first option] then restart the machine with the bootable installation cd in it's drive.

You can alter boot settings in the BIOS usually by pressing 'del' during bootup [or maybe 'f2', the boot text on screen should briefly tell you which key]

However if it's an older machine it maight not allow cd booting.
Making a start up disk windows 98

I have athlon 500mhz 96mb ram I think 98 boot cd is not workiing how can I get a new one.

Find someone who has windows 98 machine and follow these instructions to make a disk.

**broken link removed**

If he wants to run windows, windows 98 sounds right.

A "athlon 500mhz 96mb ram" is not up to XP. Not sure about Windows 2000 as I have only had it on one machine. Either way getting more RAM into the box would help.

It is 10 years old. Use a newer operating system.
If he wants to run windows, windows 98 sounds right.

A "athlon 500mhz 96mb ram" is not up to XP. Not sure about Windows 2000 as I have only had it on one machine. Either way getting more RAM into the box would help.

Agreed, although finding memory for a box that old could be a challenge (and potentially expensive).

I have athlon 500mhz 96mb ram I think 98 boot cd is not workiing how can I get a new one.

What is the BIOS (i.e. who made it and what version is it)? It should identify itself pretty much immediately when you turn on the machine.

My 486 100MHz was running Windows 98. It was using high speed cable internet until its hard drive broke into pieces. It still works (sort-of but much of the hard drive stuff is gone).
It is 10 years old. Use a newer operating system.
What newer OS is gonna run smoothly with a measely 96mb of RAM let alone at 500mHz? Computers that old should be used for home automation or sending Grandma an email or two.
What newer OS is gonna run smoothly with a measely 96mb of RAM let alone at 500mHz?

. . .wait for it. . .

Linux! That machine should easily be able to handle the Xfce environment, using one of the environments listed here.

That said it sounds like perhaps the OP is already in deep enough without having to tackle a new OS just now.

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I am sure that machine will run Windows Xp, (you'll need at least 2 or 2.5 GB free on C: nothing else).....

I have a computer repairing shop and i have installed WinXp on these machines and they were working fine...
Compaq P2 with 300Mhz processor and 64 MB of RAM 6.4 GB HDD.
same brand with 400Mhz,64MB or 128 of RAm.
IBM and Dell's old P2 systems.
Dells P2s work just fine with 128MB RAM.
My own old AMD K6 500 Mhz with 64 MB was able to run WinMe, Win2000,and WinXpSP2.
it was a little slower on 64MB but an apgrade to 128MB of Ram helped me do jobs better.
So the above system should have no problem running win XP...
And win Xp is also easier to install ma friend.
How do I install a new operating system I want to install Windows 98 I used fdisk and have new partitions I get screen saying missing operating system.

Can you help me please I use google it did not help/

If you are in the UK, I'll send you my old Win98SE CD.

Whats the size of the hard drive.?
If the HDD has been fdisk'd and partitioned then a Win'98 bootable cd will be needed. He may be trying to use a non-booting upgrade cd.

You can check Ebay, it's heaving with them.
Just boot from a floppy, and install windows from the CD - you don't need to be able to boot from a CD. Win98 even creates a suitable boot floppy for you, including format, fdisk etc.
pleas I dont have a floppy in working computer and i dont want to add floopy to this computer, I tried windows xp pro and i am have luck.
Perhaps this isn't the best forum to ask thins kind of question, maybe you should find an IT forum and ask there.
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