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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Newbie Furnituremaker needs help with actuating mechanisms

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If you want to see some nice IR stuff look here:

And if you want the Android application, look here: **broken link removed**

AND, if you want to PLAY on your own there is this module:
It, at least removes you from having to deal with the IR issue. I have this module, but never used it.

Take a look at, for, it may be an inexpensive way to handle the logic. I also have one of these, but never used it.
Last time I saw someone bring up picaxe's the thread went South.
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OK, there is EDGE and LEVEL detection and for now, let's talk about LOGIC.

In a LOGIC system an INPUT is PULLED-UP to the LOGIC voltage and TYPICALLY a switch goes to ground.
So, suppose, you had 1K resistor connected to +5 and a switch to ground.
This now gives you two states, a logic 1 (when at +5) and a logic 0 when at 0 (the switch closed)

(This is simplified for now)

A RISING EDGE is the instant the voltage on the input changes from 0 to +5
A FALLING EDGE is the instant the voltage on the input changes from +5 to zero.

Now suppose, you were given a BLACK BOX that did the following:
On a RISING EDGE of it's input (Sx), a 1 second contact closure was provided for OUTPUT A
On a FALLING EDGE of it's input (Sx) , a 1 second contact closure was provided for OUTPUT B
A third output would be the state of switch Sx
A fourth output would be the inverted state of Sx

Let's suppose you were also given a black box, that told you:
(LOGIC combinations of the two inputs are optionally available too such as:
1. Neither motor is moving
2. One of the motors are moving

Now for the LIMITS, you might have to provide two of them. One for the motor and one for the LOGIC.
Things such as reflective object sensors or slot sensors, switches and hall effected switches are part of your arsenal.

What could you do with this?
See, how you could work with such a black box.

Although possible, the switch Sx could be a blip or be continuous from a slotted sensor. Only you can decide this. The LOGIC might be easier if it wasn't a BLIP.

this is very interesting
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