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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Newbie Question about remote control DC motor being as rare as a Dodo bird

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The big question is exactly _what_ is the motor to control?

Different controls are needed for different functions - eg. many turns, such as moving something via lead screw, or just setting an angle with a total movement less than one revolution.

Then, is it travel just between two limits or proportional control anywhere within the range of movement?

Or is it continuous rotation with speed control, as in moving a vehicle?

And how powerful does it need to be?

It's possible to put together a motor, position or speed controller and any of numerous different types of "remote control" - but the possible combinations are near infinite so it's not a single device you can directly search for.

[edit - typo].
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I understood the first time, you don't need to make 2 posts and 6 "!!!!!!"!

Those six (or more) exclamation points were not intended to make you understand better, those were for everyone else to understand how surprised I was that you were answering a question you wanted him to ask - instead of answering the question he actually asked.

And, no, I wouldn't have used any "!!!" if you understood the first time.
Here is an item that fully meets your very open specification. It is a remote control DC motor that just happens to be called a remote control winch. Now that we have found you something that meets your specification you will probably change your specification saying it is too big or too small, the wrong voltage or the wrong speed or mayby it is just painted the wrong colour.

Edit. I typed this at the end of the first page of replies so I missed post #23. (But it shows that it is easy to find something that meets your specification.)

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Here is an item that fully meets your very open specification. It is a remote control DC motor that just happens to be called a remote control winch. Now that we have found you something that meets your specification you will probably change your specification saying it is too big or too small, the wrong voltage or the wrong speed or mayby it is just painted the wrong colour.

Edit. I typed this at the end of the first page of replies so I missed post #23. (But it shows that it is easy to find something that meets your specification.)


Congrats. You found a remotely operated.winch. That is, a motor with a long wire attached to a switch. Is that the generally accepted definition of Remote Controlled in the UK these days? If it is, it is weird that other UK posters imply that it is synonymous with Radio Controlled.

A remotely operated winch is a pretty common thing but the manufacturer should be spoken to about the difference between the phrase remotely controlled and remote controlled (see black wire with double arrow switch attached _ and no operating frequency specified).

Please don't point out that the OP didn't specify radio controlled. We all understood he did mean radio - see previous posts.
My mistake, I did not read the whole post.

Here is the cheapest, easiest to control motor.
Those six (or more) exclamation points were not intended to make you understand better, those were for everyone else to understand how surprised I was that you were answering a question you wanted him to ask - instead of answering the question he actually asked.

And, no, I wouldn't have used any "!!!" if you understood the first time.
I am sure you understand every time!!!
Hi gopert,
I think this one does have wireless remode control. In the main picture it is just above the word "Warranty" It is also shown in the third from last of the small pictures.

My local hobby store sells remote controlled toy cars, also replacement motors and also the radio control for the motors. Buy a suitable motor and the remote control for it and plug them together to make a remote controlled motor.
That is how you are going to need to go about it. Find a suitable gear motor which will do what you want it to do. That done finding a suitable remote control should not be all that difficult.

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