It depends on type of charger... If it is a "Brick" type, which has transformer inside that won't be a problem. If it's switched charger (the light ones), it may have too much noise on the output.
BTW: I prefer High Voltage (13V) programmming to low, because there are issues...
Yes, the PIC will work down as low as DC (although a DC clock doesn't get much done!). But it's a waste of effort using a 555, many PIC's can use a simple external RC oscillator (only a resistor and capcitor needed), also those with internal 8MHz oscillators can commonly be switched to lower speeds - consult the datasheets for them.
MicroChip sell a C compiler, but not a BASIC one, but there are various BASIC ones available.
I think i beter get to lernig how to program there wonderful thingys.
I i found ou that bouth of my orederd PICs have low voltage in circuit programing .if i undersod right:insted of aplying 13V to the reset pin you aply ony 5V (directly Vdd)
This one is perfect
It can compile code for PIC12,PIC16 and PIC18
the only reson i wanted to pogram in BASIC was becsoe i know VisualBasic(the languages are quite simaler and there bout wery simple)
it tock me some soime to find out its limitaions and the only limitaons is that the output hex file cant be larger than 2k (like im never going to fill that up)
As I always mention, it's important to learn some assembler, you are limiting your possibilities with a high level compiler otherwise - knowing how to write something in assembler can help you greatly while using BASIC or C.
yep slovenia was 15 years ago part of repupbic jugoslavia (so was croatia,bosna...)
Good thing we will get Euro curency in about 1-2 years (we just got in the european union)This means no problems whith curency for ordering components in other cuntrys (whith Euro curency ufcurce)
Did you guys now than an slovenean company programed BS Player (its an powerful media player that plays varius formats).I am usin Real player.
Im geting my PIC16F88 betwen 9th and 12th (too bad PIC18F252 is out of stock)
There's an OLD application note at MicroChip using a very old PIC driving LED displays to give a 50MHz auto-ranging frequency counter!, and you can find a more modern version (that uses a 16C84 or 16F628 - any 18 pin PIC) from Weeder technologies that uses an LCD display. Have a look at .
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