Nice old TV

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Nigel Goodwin

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Most Helpful Member
Here's a picture of an old GEC B&W TV I've just modified with an LCD TV fitted inside. The speakers were removed from the TV, and fitted behind the existing speaker grill, as was the remote sensor.

It's actually for a display at an old RAF base, for showing war time film of Glenn Miller and others who performed there.


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It's Burtonwood at Warrington.

Never lucky enough to get a Northern posting, most of my time was spent in Lincolnshire, not complaining its a great County.

Interesting link. picture #8 may interest our American cousins.

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Never lucky enough to get a Northern posting, most of my time was spent in Lincolnshire, not complaining its a great County.

Interesting link. picture #8 may interest our American cousins.

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Nice - I don't listen to it much, but "Big Band" is a music genre I enjoy...
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