Nokia 3310 LCD - Good deal on eBay

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This post is more relevant for PIC/AVR users living in the UK.

I have just bought several Nokia 3310 LCD screens and have checked out one of them after they arrived. It appears to be working fine displaying what I wanted with good contrast. I can't tell if they are new or not but at less than £1 a piece(after one factor in the cost of P+P), it doesn't matter.

Beware, order quantity more than one would attract another additional P+P of £0.29 each and I guess that's how the seller made up his profit via P+P. Though it is quite reasonable even at this price + postage.

I don't know the seller and this is my first deal with him. As of writing this post(5-APR-2008) there are still 170+ available on the eBay page.

These graphic LCDs works at 3.3V max and are very suitable for interfacing to the PIC or AVR, using SPI or just bitbang mode. The connector is just big enough for wiring hand soldering so connection will not be a problem. The datasheet of its controller is available in pdf and there are plenty code examples and applications available on the web.

Use this search phase in Google to search: "pcd8544 filetype: pdf" , note no space between colon & pdf or else one gets instead

Seller: siansmobiles

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Edited: added Google datasheet search info
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Looks like a good bargain! I bought a couple of 3310's few months ago, but I haven't started any project with them yet. I thought I'd interface the display with a PIC16F690 using hardware SPI and Hi-Tech PICC. I already studied the datasheet of the controller and I've found quite a few sample programs on the internet.
Hopefully I'll start putting something togheter soon
eblc1388 if you got any links of what i can do with these displays tell me because i'm out of ideas.... (i guess 3210 display is the same with 3310)
whiz115 said:
eblc1388 if you got any links of what i can do with these displays tell me because i'm out of ideas.... (i guess 3210 display is the same with 3310)

What do you meant by "out of ideas" ? You want to make it work initially or you want to use it in other projects?

For the latter, there are hundreds of applications like thermometer, data logger, MP3 song title/lyric display, waveform display...available from the net for both PIC and AVR.
Does anyone know if I need to explicitly ask that they supply the unit LCD with electronics? Is the LCD sold separately at any time? I found a supplier in SA that sells new & refurbished items, I don't know if I need to check if the electronics is included.

there is no separate electronics on the nokia lcd. look at the picture
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there is no separate electronics on the nokia lcd. look at the picture

Actually there is no (need for any) separate electronic on the LCD. Please notice the pin names already has their function marked. The electronics is somewhere "inside" the LCD.

It can be used directly with any microprocessor running at 3.3V. With 5V MCUs resistive voltage divider or buffers cab be used on the pins.
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