nonverter to BCD

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when EI is logic 1 i think it allow to set binary code, when 0, you can't set code. something similiar like D trigger with C gate. am i right?
when EI is logic 1 i think it allow to set binary code, when 0, you can't set code. something similiar like D trigger with C gate. am i right?

If you set the binary code to '0000', then that is a valid code for "0".

If you wanted to 'disable' the convertor, look at the use of tristate gates on the 'outputs'.

For example if you connected the outputs from the convertor thru a HEF40097 non inverting buffer, you could use the /EO pin to enable/disable the output.

output? but i need to enable/disable inputs

Then put the 40097 on the inputs, add pull down resistors on the input to the C blocks, use the 40097 EO pin.



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