noob needs help with schematics (cmoy)

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Bet your TL082 wasn't powered by a 9 V battery, if so bad luck!

The TL082 was a sacrificial lamb since I could get a replacement for it just down the street and I had to order the OPA and pay shipping and all that. If a part was going to blow when I first plugged it in, I wanted it to be something I didn't have to reorder.

Now that I think about it, I remember what happened, and you are correct. The TL082 sounded awful on 9 volts, so I decided to try two of them to get 18 volts. It wasn't that I plugged the chip in backwards; I accidentally reversed the leads going to the batteries. At the time, I didn't have any other opamps (the OPA will still being shipped) and it was late enough at night that RS was closed. So it was an early-to-bed night that night.
The TL082 sounded awful on 9 volts.

Some opamps provide a higher output current, well suitable for driving headphones. I believe the opamp appearing in the OP's parts list is one of these.

When I was first in electronics there was only about 3 different opamps in common use - and 2 of those were 741s. There was also a 'power opamp', but out of reach of hobbyists, in today's money it would cost $500 or more.
wow you guys are amazing...
its fascinating stuff, really!...i wish i understood half of what you guys are talking about
i wouldn't even know where to start learning....
but for now i will keep trying to figure out my puzzle...

problem with me getting any new parts is that i have no idea where in UK(london) i can buy things like dad got these parts in Poland, in a similar place to radioshack
paid about 3-4 pounds for all these i say this will be one cheap cmoy
My dad gave the guy a list i printed from the CMoy website and the guy gave him what i have now
i wanted to origionaly make this amp with a bass booster...but i decided stick to something more simple....i hope to make many more things in the future..

atm im at my girlfriends so i cannot work on it but cannot wait to work on it again...
for now i will try to learn to understand more of what im doing instead of just following the tutorial....if anyone knows a site i could go and learn basics or stuff that would help me understand what im doing with this cmoy and future projects..i would really appreciate it...
by the way....thanks so much to all of you...

so far


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wow you guys are amazing...
its fascinating stuff, really!...i wish i understood half of what you guys are talking about
i wouldn't even know where to start learning....
but for now i will keep trying to figure out my puzzle...

I don't know squat compared to these guys. Sometimes it's hard to keep them on track and explain things the way you need it explained. To them, this is all old hat...some of them popped out of the womb with soldering iron in one hand, wearing Sennheiser headphones and their first words were Ohm's Law. When I was a kid, I got for Christmas a tube radio kit. I followed a bunch of plans and only got a faint sound out of one of them. I didn't do much more than fix broken lamps and stuff like that for 40 years. It was only last year that I got interested again when I wanted to build some specific stuff for my motorcycle. I've spent countless hours searching, reading, looking at stuff and scratching my head until it's raw. Without these guys, I would be completely lost.

They just don't like to make it easy for beginners.

You are running off two 9V batteries, you could not possibly need 400V caps and you don't need polypropylene or polystyrene caps either. Just use 0.1 uF ceramic caps (25V or higher) and they will work and they are about 1/2 the size of your smallest fingernail.
it depends... if you're audiophile then the 0.1 uf polypropylene film caps he bought are fine... if you aren't then you go for smaller ones so you can save space.

I am an audiphile, but I can still absolutely guarantee poly caps do not sound any different than any other good, wide band cap like an MLCC (multi layer ceramic capacitor).
problem with me getting any new parts is that i have no idea where in UK(london) i can buy things like this

See Yellow Pages, in section "electronic components". many places listed are wholesalers, but there should be retailers listed among them

When I lived in town, there was a components place in tot court road, dunno if still there. another on south circular road

"Maplin" is the 'corner shop' / convenience store, easiest to buy from, but the most inflated prices, i.e. you'll pay £2 for something that costs 15p mail order.

About the "400 V caps", you could call this a 'conservative design'? they'll never "break down". Some of my first projects often used surplus parts that would of been destined for things like hoovers
"Maplin" is the 'corner shop' / convenience store, easiest to buy from, but the most inflated prices, i.e. you'll pay £2 for something that costs 15p mail order.

Personally I like rapide for mail order - Rapid | Distributors of electronic components, electrical products and educational supplies

Maplins local large store - Croydon invariably don't have 65% or more of everything I want and for mailorder Maplins always manage to "mess up" my order by replacing the the most important item in the order with something I have absolutely no use for. Currently I have placed 8 orders and had to complain about 6.
The last order I wanted a "tripad" board for a project and they sent a digital medical thermostat - DUH. Rapide are exactly that and havent "messed up" a single order.
I like RS Components and Farnell for mail order because the don't charge for delivery, Rapid are cheaper but you have to pay for postage.

RS Components and Farnell for mail order because the don't charge for delivery

Thats a bit misleading for these pages - if you are a trade account customer you get free delivery from both, but for the typical order with a credit card from a hobbyist it costs £5 for delivery from RS, Farnells will give free delivery if you spend over £23 inc vat.
il try all the websites for my next project
i think im gonna try make a Bass boost cmoy next...
and then move up to more complicated amplifiers

btw this time when i buy parts for my next cmoy...(il be using RS Components) (when i make a account what do i put under Company*...Job technology*...Job function* ??

what will be the best of the best parts i can get...because on the required parts list they give lots of alternatives
Part Lists and Suggestions (also the Optional Parts if u scroll lower)

like different op amps list is here (Notes on Audio Op-Amps)
btw il be using sennheiser 280s for now..but will upgrade in the future

im going to use this stripboard next time...
Roth Elektronik | PCB Prototyping & ESD Handling | PCBs or Prototyping Systems | Prototype & Development Boards | Stripboard - Matrixboards

i think itl be recomended that i get a DIP-8 IC sockets, gold contacts if i want a new OP amp i can switch

i noticed RS Comp do not have DC power jacks but i will want one...where can i get one?

itl work as my desktop headphone amp next...for my Emu 0404 soundcard (its got wierd ports liek this)

i can not plug my headphones into it....and can not afford those £100-200 headphone amps
i dont know if the cmoy will be ok...(if anyone knows a great desktop headphone amp thats not to hard to make plz tell me)
if not then my next cmoy will have DC Power Jack, bass boost, 1/4" stereo (maybe?) ...(cant think of anything else now...but i want it to be amazing ) i dont really care about size with this one

im gonna wait for my breadboard to come in the mail
i bought this...will it be ok?
**broken link removed**
and try it on that...the amp will work from a breadboard?

thanks everyone for all the help...if i run into any problems il post again

oh and im sorry im such a handful...
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