You guys still the bestest Forum on the NET.
Im sorry if I loose it now and again......its just.....well you know. Sometimes things here where I am get me so fed up I wanna explode. Literally.
ETO has always been my safe place to relieve that pressure.
If were not for the kindness and understanding of the folks here that know me well, like Nigel, Jim, Matt, Bob and a few others........I reckon I would not have lasted as long as I have in my situation here.
I gave up everything to help "who are the them you refer to" people here with their tv's.
Gave it all up and tried to speak sense into them...
Slaved away saving their sets from certain destruction from unqualified chancers that mess everything up they try to fix.
Anyway, Im still here. Too late to go somewhere better.
Im stuck here until I cant function anymore.
That's life I guess.
Now im gonna lighten up and find some funny stuff to post on OT.