NTE864 Rough Equivalent

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Active Member
Hey guys,

I'm looking for an IC that works as a function generator and FM modulator. The NTE864 looks like it will do what I need it to, but it's $30 at mouser and they're the only place that carries it according to findchips.com. All I really need is an FM modulated square wave up at 100kHz min.

Any help is mucho appreciado.
Also, any simple circuits to accomplish the same would be appreciated too. If I can make this using op-amps that would be fine as well.
speakerguy79 said:
Also, any simple circuits to accomplish the same would be appreciated too. If I can make this using op-amps that would be fine as well.

The closest match I know of is the XR2206, bit dated, no idea of price.

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WOW, awesome, thank you!

They are only $1.77 vs. $30 for the NTE864. They are available at more suppliers too, but not my normal ones. Still, overnight shipping for one is still less than the cost of the other!

findchips.com found them at over half a dozen places.
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