I think the big problem is our government being too involved in businesses, and people's lives. They set a minimum wage, so one can make flipping burgers can make a lifetime career out of it. Jobs meant as part-time, or entry level, now pay almost enough to support a family. Employers could get the work done cheaply, young adults, or people needing a second job, could pick up a little extra income. Now we have affordable health insurance for everyone, and somebody has to pay for it, not to mention the heath care its meant to pay the bulk of, so more people can take advantage of medical services. The people making the huge profits off this, are still going to want their share. There will also need to be more people to handle the paper work (guess this is where Obama hope to create all those jobs, over the next couple of years). More insurance company employees, mean higher costs for them, so higher premiums for us. Downsizing is the best way to cut costs, so there will be fewer paying in, more freeloaders. Still hope they will stop this, before it gets to far out of control.
I do agree that there should be limits and controls, on how much an insurance company can put in their pocket, and dropping your coverage before you need to use it. I think if they call it Health Care Reform, the focus should have been on the doctor's bill, and why no one can see a doctor without insurance. All Obama-care does is increase the expense, but spread it out, so more people end up paying for it.