Old 8-bit Nintendo to HDMI

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I have an old 8-bit Nintento (european version). It has a box that converts the output (from the nintendo) to an analog tv signal.

So.. this does not work with modern digital tv receivers. Any ideas how to play Super Mario on my new 50" tv?
If the Nintendo has an RF output you can bypass the RF circuitry then use a composite to HDMI convertor... They are on Ebay for about £11..

If the box is the rf circuitry.. don't go through it.

When I converted my speccy The composite out fed straight into the AV input ( The sound on the small speccy was separate )... Are you sure the 50" hasn't still got analogue????
Are you sure the 50" hasn't still got analogue????

As far as I'm aware there's hardly ANY TV sets that don't have analogue 'tuners' as well as digital ones (and yes, I know it's not the actual 'tuner').

There have been a few tiny portable sets, and I believe the catalogue store Argos had one specially made for them (presumably in a bid to get the cheapest possible price), but they had huge numbers of returns on them, and it was a major flop.

So I suspect the OP is looking for a solution to a problem that doesn't exist? - presuming there's no AV output on the Nintendo?, which there quite probably is.
I feel a little bit stupid now.. I told my friend about the problem and he said "There is audio and video output on the side of the nintendo".. and yes.. there is. I have always looked only the backside, which has the RF ouput, but there are two RCA outputs on the side with labels "audio" and "video".

So, problem solved. My friend lent me a cable also. Now I can play Super Mario on my new 50" tv.

BTW.. super bowl half-time show was horrible.. where are the real superstars! I need to watch Micheal Jackson, Rolling Stones and Prince on youtube to compensate my disappointment.
BTW.. super bowl half-time show was horrible.. where are the real superstars! I need to watch Micheal Jackson, Rolling Stones and Prince on youtube to compensate my disappointment.
How many people switched to Nintendo for half time?
I thought "I must be getting old, none of the entertainment looks good."
Was that a robot lion on stage? Interesting machine.

I do not care who wins the game. I just want a good close game with some surprises. I like the commercials.
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