On/Off control w/ 68HC11 interfaced to PC

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Hello everyone,

I’m working on a project (school) where I’m planning on having simple on/off control systems where outlets (duplex receptacles) will be activated to control an enclosed environment based on feedback from various sensors (temp, humidity, gas, motion).

My plan was to use a 68HC11-E9 because I already own one. I would like to interface this to a PC probably via the serial port. The point of interfacing would be to create a GUI where variables could be selected via drop down menus and can be downloaded into the micro controller without knowledge of programming language. The micro controller should be able to operate stand alone when not connected to the PC.

My plan was to use Visual basic to create the program for the GUI. My problem is that this would be my first time using visual basic and I have never done C level programming..……
I have used the 68HC11 for doing basic A/D on/off control before but with assembly language.

There is no lack of information on the 68HC11 series or Visual Basic or programming in C on the net, that’s for sure. In fact the girth of knowledge has me a little confused where to start.

I would really appreciate if someone could direct me towards some quality tutorials and sites that would be helpful in my completion of this project.

I plan on using mechanical relays for controlling power to my outlets because I have a small collection of them. I believe there is a relatively high powered chip that will allow me to power the coils of my relays (12V) directly via pulses from the microcontroller. I’m sure I’ve seen this chip used in circuits before but cannot find it again.
If someone knows a good chip (8input 8output preferably) for this application, again I'd appreciate the reference.

Thanks in advance!

Get the datasheet for the ULN2803A ic, 8 off darlington drivers/ic.

Also you should consider using the PC's parallel port for control, very easy with VB.
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I'll have a look at that SMUgangsta, thanks.

Get the datasheet for the ULN2803A ic, 8 off darlington drivers/ic.

Also you should consider using the PC's parallel port for control, very easy with VB.

That's exactly the chip I was looking at before, thanks!

The reason I was planning on using the serial port is because I have a development board for my micro that uses serial connection. But at this point all options are open.
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The PC's serial port is also simple to write programs for using VB.

Remember the MCU will require a RS232 line/driver receiver on the TX/RX lines of the MCU to make it compatible with the PC's serial input.

What version of VB do you have, I use VB5.?
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