On/Off Touch Switch

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kinjalgp, Thanks for straighting that up for me. And I wanted to know what type of relay switch bogdanfirst used in his schematic. If it was single pole single throw switch OR a single pole double throw switch etc etc etc. I think I am going to make both touch on/off switches they both look great projects.

Phasor, It's all good. =)

I am putting together a list today of what parts I am going to order through digikey, jameco etc etc etc. Is there anything I should get "Just In Case" I need it ? I have some electronics parts already from previous projects but I don't think I can ever have enough parts =)

Thanks Guys =)
well you should get a 10M variable resisto in place of the 10M already there, because you might need to adjust it to get it working perfect.
or, get a 10M, 4M7 and 3M3.
hte relay i used depends on what you wanna connect with it. i used a relay with a N.C. and N.O. switch.
and a 1K2 resistor for the 1K8 one if you are gonna put the led too.
good luck.
ok, I will give this a shot. And I will give you guys my feedback. But before I start this project what does N.C. and N.O. switch stand for ? :roll:

Thank you for all your help =)

P.S. Sorry for being a complete newbie.
N.C stands for NORMALLY CLOSED like this -----0---0----. Here the contact is closed when relay is in de-energised state and opens up when the relay is powered.
N.O stands for NORMALLY OPEN like this -----0--/ 0-----. Here the contact is open when relay is in de-energised state and closes when the relay is powered.
Yes off course.(I`ve drawed quickly, maybe not clear...) The first stage with two inverters multiplyed by 4. CD4066 contains 4 analog switches,but this output stage no need, when You can discover the DIP switches: e.g. DIPSW go to some digital input and connect it to GND against a pull-up resistor. (4066 can work up to 15V)
Common problem with these circuits the "after power-on state". If DIPSW definied (e.g. for a processor) different program start and make the read-out cycle only after reset procedure,the switches must be in desired ON or OFF position before the supply switch on.
Touch switch oscillating

I have built the circuit shown by bogdanfirst with R6 being 820R and R7 beinf 4M7, and the circuit just oscillates at around 2Hz.

Can anyone provide a description of how the circuit should work so that I can find out why mine doesn't, or provide any suggestions as to why my version oscillates please?

on / off switch and realy diagram

Good day all,

I am trying to understand how a complete rear defogger of a car is working. This circuit would have been quite simple if it was a regular on/off swicth but it is not the case.

So the area where I am having a difficulty is the push button.

How this switch work with relay:

Turn on the car key, then you are able to turn the defoger on and off, by the way the default position is always off before you turn the key to power on. It is going off after a certain period of time ( a timer I suppose if it is not a heat detector) or you may swiitch it off by pressing the push botton and finally the last option, it will turn off when you turn the car off.

Thanks a lots for your help !! :?
Maybe this is what You think...
Relay pull when pushed ON
Relay off when pushed OFF
Relay off when ign.switch off,and no pull after ign sw. without ON.


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on / off switch and realy diagram

Thanks for this quick reply,

I think this is the diagram I need, It seem to do what I want but unfortunately, I would need more clarification on how to hook this up, I am no expert in reading electronic diagram, perhap you may be able to help me.

Wire from ignition (+12V): one goes to one side of the push button the other side of that button would go to on side of the coil at the relay. etc.. somehow I still does not get how this will stay on since I only give a pulse of that +12V how that relay works ??

Sorry I really have a hard time with this one and THANKS A LOTS for your help, I want to get that concept clear in my mind and I think with your help I will get there.
The relay must have two independent normally open contact.(when the coil energized these contacts closed) If You push the ON button, the relay pull, and the contact make short the ON button.


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