on pic programming

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New Member

i am a newbie on the pic programming. i dobt know anything about the pic programming but i wanted to learn it so where can i find the best tutorials or books fos this

thank you
One of the many books on the net is:

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I have not read it fully yet but it seems to have covered many aspects of PIC.
I found the first couple chapters very helpful, but when I got here I just kind of scratched my head and said "HUH?"

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The chapter is called Assembly Language Programming, but arn't these basic instructions or maybe C? I'm looking at the datasheet right now for a 16F628a pic and I don't see any of these instructions listed here. Just wondering if I'm seriously missing something here.
KMD said:
I'm looking at the datasheet right now for a 16F628a pic and I don't see any of these instructions listed here. Just wondering if I'm seriously missing something here.

No problem. The commands/instructions you have seen are called control directives which control how the compiler/assembler handles your program codes. Some are commands related to macros. One important command tells the assembler which PIC chip you would be using as they are all different.

They do not directly related to the instructions for a particular PIC so you will not see them in the datasheet of any PIC.

However, you need to understand most of them, at least a few at this very moment. Just read on. Good luck to you.
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