One Post Wonders

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Well-Known Member
It seems at a couple of weeks into a new school semester the forums get a flood of one post wonders.
They often have a similar theme of "do my assignment" and often contain variations on the spelling of the word "please"
Urgent is a dead giveaway or about 20 ............ seems to help.
And then they fade away............
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I don't know what can be done about this?

Perhaps there should be a lazy student zone so they can post all they want and we don't have to bother reading them.
I think I almost seen them all now. Still waiting for the plezzzz help me build a thermo nuclear device post...
Is denator on the NSA magic word list?
Someone should ring all the cell phones at random someday. Pop pop pop go the terrorists.
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I like that. Maybe setup the cell system to ring all the phones at once in range of a given tower.

Is denator on the NSA magic word list?
Someone should ring all the cell phones at random someday. Pop pop pop go the terrorists.
IMHO posts with vague titles are worse than one post wonders.
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I don't know, at least threads with vague titles can actually go somewhere rather than wasting everyone's time.

Perhaps the moderator could rename threads with vague titles but I'm sure Nigel has better things to do.

Off topic interruptions are also annoying.
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Assignments due in 15 minutes. When on earth did please start getting spelled as Plz?

When the bulk of (then) twelve-year-olds found instant messenger...not that it was my age group or anything...

I always made it a point to type full sentences; I didn't want to get into the internet speech habit.

Anyway, obligatory after-first-post-containing-google-results:

can u post src plz? thanx............
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