I'm not trying to argue with you here, because I see now that it is a terminology issue.
Indeed, if a 2 meter antenna that is physically 120 to 130 cm long has a coil on the bottom of it, the purpose of that coil is to provide a 50 ohm match. There are other ways of accomplishing this, but this is a common solution. My antenna doesn't have a coil. It is a simple, 5/8 wavelength whip. My radio automatically corrects for the slight impedance mismatch that it presents.
"Loading Coil" is a slang term, which is overused. I know it is commonly used incorrectly. Properly, a loading coil is for shortening an antenna. A CB, base loaded antenna has a short whip and a coil. It is a modified version of the 102 inch whip, which is a 1/4 wavelength. This would be a loaded antenna. The coil and element are tuned so as to have close to 50 ohm impedance, but that is not why the coil is there. The purpose of the coil is to load the antenna, make it shorter.
Earlier, I used an incorrect term witch I'd like to correct. I said "electrically shorten". I hate when I do that. To electrically shorten would imply that it is no longer a 1/4 wavelength antenna. not true, these base loaded CB antennas are still electrically 1/4 wave, but PHYSICALLY they are much shorter. This is because of the LOADING COIL.
The 5/8 wave 2 meter whip may have a coil, but the radiating element is still about 50 inches (130 cm) long. The antenna is neither physically nor electrically anything but a 5/8 wavelength. The coil is not loading it, it is matching it. thus, it is a matching network.
The coil is not necessary. Coax transformers, baluns, tuners, a variety of techniques could be used to accomplish the same thing. But since it is an easy mobile solution, it is common.
But it still doesn't load the antenna, it matches it. I'm being nitpicky here, because I'm just that way!!
I just want to make sure the functional difference is understood by the person doing the asking.
It's kind of like a transistor. In some circuits it can be used as a switch, and in some it can be an amplifier, but we wouldn't call a transistor in a logic circuit an amplifier!
Loading is not the same as matching!
Loaded multiband HF antennas still need an antenna tuner to match them! The coil isn't doing the matching, it is making the antenna short. The tuner does the matching.
A 5/8 whip on 2 meters isn't loaded, it is impedance matched!
LOL. I'm sorry for all the nitpicking, but this is a passion.